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Elias Gaveta



Elias Gaveta is a Climate Smart Agriculturist with academic background in forestry, food security and climate change. He is currently a student at Mzuzu University pursuing Ph.D. in Transformative Community Development (Food Security and Climate Change). Elias Gaveta is a founder of Conservation Arts Malawi (, an initiative that seeks to transform the engagement of youth in sustainable environmental management through use of social-cultural and artistic communication platforms. Elias is a seasoned environmental trainer and programmer with Peace Corps Malawi, a 2021 Climate Ambassador for the Global Youth Climate Network, Laureate Candidate for the One Planet Fellowship offered by AWARD and a fellow for the Leadership in Environment and Development (LEAD).


Elias Gaveta LINKEDIN profile

Crop yield responses to temperature and rainfall variability

Organizing Farmers for Sustainable Food Production while Dealing with COVID-19